Table Of Contents
Part I The Beginning
- ‘Why Have an Aim in Life?’ prelude to politicization
- Black Flag, Dharnas, Toy Pistol Revolt first political steps
- ‘Why Do You Come Here?’ falling in love
- Victim of Underdevelopment motherhood and activism
- People’s Movement against the Panchayat Regime jail tales
- Bout of Depression in the UK victim of my own study
- ‘Sorry, We Will Have to Leave This House!’ from ballot to bullet
Part II The People’s War
- From Free Bird to Fugitive becoming a whole-timer
- Relationships between Leaders diverse personalities
- Centralization of Leadership my first experience of inner party struggle
- ‘I Will Fight with a Fuse Attached to My Heart’ shift in inner party struggle
- Development of Democracy in the Twenty-First Century a strategic leap
- Solidarity, Sabotage and the South Block our relationship with India
- ‘Workers of All Countries, Unite!’ international relations
- Tears in Phuntiwang pain from one’s own
- Red Flag over Rolpa the making of a new world
- Liberation or Death? gender issues
- Love, Marriage and Children the morality question
- Rape, Rebellion and Resistance tempering the steel
- ‘Are You a Newar or a Nepali?’ the nationality question
- The Oppressed of the Oppressed the Dalit question
- A Twenty-First-Century Political Sati emergence of a stronger me
- When I Saw the Siberian Birds triumph of republican agenda
- Dhai-Futte Sena PLA narratives
- Drums, Pen and Rifle the cultural front
Part III A New Beginning
- Maoists in Kathmandu wooing the middle class
- How Monarchy Was Abolished Inch-by-Inch birth of a republic
- Bungee-Jumping My Way to a Republican State being a minister
- Fall of Prachanda taste of power
- From Herder to Prime Minister at the helm of state affairs
- The Cost of Being First Lady losing my identity
- The Cost of Being a Middle-of-the-Roader electoral defeat
- Prachanda and BRB two sides of a river
- My Relationship with Prachanda innocence vs conspiracy
- My Relationship with BRB complementary and contradictory
- Manushi, Asmita and Astha bringing up a daughter
- Army Integration and State Restructuring catch-22
- Some Reflections will the oppressed rise?