For PIONEER, st. Xavier,
An interview taken by shailesh Sharma ( 97-9849433338 for PIONEER, st.xavier (do not know if printed?) on 13th February 2010 through email.
Birth place?:
Kathmandu, Nepal
How would you like to introduce yourself?:
As an old woman with young mind, as a wo-man with man within it, as a politician with development in mind, as a mother with fatherland in mind, as a wife with womb-full of class, gender, ethnic, regional and marginal issues to handle and as a friend whose commitment is trust with a pinch of doubt.
How was your childhood?:
Being youngest of 7 children, and being born after my father became minister, I was brought up in free environment with plenty of freedom to decide my own fate.
Any unforgettable memories(If any)?:
During war period I was traveling across Parvat when I met comrade Punam, whose husband had already been killed, I remember talking to her and listening to her. She got killed within a month after I met her. Somehow I had a hunch that she too would be killed considering the precarious situation she was working in. This incident always makes me feel very serious and responsible.
Your schooling?:
Kanyamandir High School in Ekha Pokhari in Kathmandu till 7 standard and in Central School in IIT Kanpur, India from 7 to Higher Secondary School.
Aim during school hood?:
To be a social worker.
Why do you choose politics?:
Because it makes you holistic in approach.
Have you ever thought that you will be what you are now?:
Who played a vital role for it?:
My inner instinct to be socially responsible and complimented by Baburam Bhattarai’s political outlook.
Are you satisfied with your job?:
yes. A bit of unsatisfactory peps you up!
Are you satisfied with the situation of the country?:
Yes and no, yes because we raised many issues which have become now nation’s agenda, no because it is taking so long to consolidate the new agendas.
Who is your idol person?:
Karl Marx
Politics and Hisila Yam?
Hisila Yami being a woman, an oppressed gender, a Newar, oppressed nationality. Hence joined politics to fight against gender, nationality oppression. Being middle class bred, regionally Kathmandu based oppressor to regionally marginalized places like Humla-Jumla, hence I joined politics to fight against vacillating tendency within me and to help liberate oppressed people from marginalized places like Humla-Jumla.
Science and Hisila Yami?:
I am a Marxist and hence for me science is like salt to my ideology.
Entertainment and Hisila Yami?:
I am an extrovert and by the way I was a great singer once upon a time and a great fan of art and culture hence I look forward to healthy entertainment.
Favorite book?:
Communist Manifesto (may sound boring but every time I read I find new elements in it)
Inspiration from that book?:
To be dynamic, dialectical, determined, devoted to people’s cause.
How would you connect students and politics?:
The future of student’s life lies in the kind of politics politicians play: politics for the sake of power or politics as a means to serve people, especially to serve young people like you??
Role of student in developing the country?:
Keep your mouth, ears and eyes open and fight for right cause, struggle always steels you internally and externally, of course the right kind of struggle!
Your memorable experiences:
When I was caught in Nepal-India border during People’s War and my witty approach let me out of the trap.
Suggestions to students?:
Learn to question and it is half the answer!
Suggestions to Nepali youth?:
josh ko bela hosh puryaunu!! Look before you leap. Try not going outside the country, because grass on the other side of fence is always greener. We need young and dedicated persons like you.
Suggestions to Nepali politicians?:
Be smart enough to catch up with the world because people have become much smarter with globalization, internet, FM, tv idiot box, chatting, SMS, etc.!!
If you were made prime minister then what changes would you bring in the country?
Well as it stands today one has to learn to synergize coalition politics by bringing all the major parties to come together for minimum program, which is measurable with time limits to achieve the goals. Secondly, I will try to fix international relations particularly with our immediate neighboring countries, India and China. Thirdly, I will repeatedly take people’s confidence by telling them possibilities and limitations of our goals. Fourthly, I will try involving people in our New Nepal development project so that they have the feeling of ownership.
Why are we very back in development?
Doing away from one system to another system takes time. Nearly 240 years of feudal system did not encourage healthy competition leading productive forces and productive relation stagnant. One has yet to institutionalize national capitalist system specific to Nepalese condition by formulation new constitution.
What are your future plans?
My future plan is to make Nepal’s future in planned way.
What is your pastime?
To sleep
Your final words?
Be on your toes, then only you can spring !!